Holistic Rug

Holistic Rug

Holistic Rug
1.50 x 0.75 CM

Enrich your living or meditation space with our holistic rug at Angelic Healing Therapies. Handpicked by Paula, our dedicated holistic therapist, these rugs seamlessly blend comfort and holistic design, creating a visually pleasing foundation for your sacred space. Measuring 1.50 x 0.75 metres, these rugs bring a sense of tranquillity and balance to your home.

Immerse yourself in the soothing energy of our holistic rug, designed to create a serene atmosphere in your living space. Crafted with mindful intention, each rug reflects the essence of holistic well-being. Whether you use it as a focal point for meditation or to enhance the overall aesthetics of your home, these rugs provide a grounding and harmonious touch.

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